An assistant commissioner of police (ACP) allegedly shot dead his wife and nephew before shooting himself at his residence in Pune, Maharashtra. According to a police official, ACP Bharat Gaikwad (57) was found with a gun nearby his body and the incident took place around 3.30 am on Monday.
The two others deceased was identified as his wife Moni Gaikwad (44) and nephew Deepak (35).
A probe has been initiated by the police.
Gaikwad's bungalow is near Baner area in Pune. The official from Chaturshringi police station said that the reason behind the act is yet to be ascertained.
According to police, Gaikwad was posted as ACP in Amaravati and had come home.
"At around 3.30 am on Monday, the ACP first allegedly shot his wife in the head. Upon hearing the gunshot, his son and nephew came running and opened the door. The moment they opened the door, he allegedly shot at his nephew, who got hit in the chest," the official said.
"Later Gaikwad shot himself in the head. All the three persons died on the spot," he said.
The other two deceased were identified as the police officer's wife , he said.
Reportedly, Gaikwad was on leave and came home in Lakshman Nagar on Saturday. Police suspect that he opened fire with his private pistol.
Police said that Gaikwad's mother, two sons and other family members were also at the house when the shootings took place. It was the family members who alerted the police about the incident.
(With PTI inputs)