The Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested Prabir Purkayastha, the founder and editor-in-chief of NewsClick, following hours-long raids at multiple locations linked to the news portal over allegations that it received money for pro-China propaganda.
Purkayastha, along with Amit Chakravarty, the HR head of the news portal, was arrested under the anti-terror law UAPA.
Earlier, Purkayastha was taken by the cops to the NewsClick south Delhi office for questioning where a forensic team was also present.
Journalists Urmilesh, Aunindyo Chakravarty, Abhisar Sharma, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta as well as historian Sohail Hashmi and D. Raghunandan of the Centre for Technology and Development were also questioned in connection with the case.
News agency PTI quoted Delhi Police sources as saying that the raids were based on a case registered in August under UAPA and other sections of IPC, including Section 153A (promoting enmity between two groups), 120B (criminal conspiracy).
The Enforcement Directorate had earlier conducted raids at the firm's premises to probe its sources of funding.
The raids and questioning of journalists have stirred up a political storm with the opposition parties alleging that the BJP government's "coercive" actions are directed only against those who speak truth to power and not against those who spread hatred and divisiveness.
The INDIA bloc said in a statement that the government has also tried to convert the media into a mouthpiece for its partisan and ideological interests by facilitating the takeover of media organisations by crony capitalists.
The Press Club of India said it is deeply concerned about raids on the houses of journalists and writers associated with NewsClick.
"We are monitoring the developments and will be releasing a detailed statement. The PCI stands in solidarity with the journalists and demands the government to come out with details," it said.
The Editors Guild of India, the non-profit organisation of journalists, urged the Centre to follow due process, and not make draconian criminal laws "as tools for press intimidation".