The Karnataka High Court suspended its video conferencing facilities citing cybersecurity reasons. Reportedly, video conferencing facilities have been suspended for the ‘time being’ in all courts of the Karnataka High Court, including at benches in Dharwad and Kalaburagi.
Chief Justice Prasanna B. Varale announced in Court, “An unfortunate situation has arisen. We are stopping the live streaming, video conferencing. We are not permitting video conferencing facility, live-streaming facility. Unfortunately, some mischief is being played. There may be some mischief player,” Live Law reported. The Chief Justice advised lawyers not to rush to the Court Registry and make complaints. “This is in the interest of the system, the institution rather. Even if some members of the press, may not be aware. Please tell them. You have to cooperate," CJ Varale said.
The Karnataka High Court began live-streaming on a trial basis in 2021. The first live stream was made available on May 31, on the Karnataka High Court’s YouTube page, Live Law reported.