The Tamil Nadu police arrested popular Tamil YouTuber ‘Savukku’ Shankar on Saturday for making defamatory comments against women police personnel.
The Cyber Crime Wing of Coimbatore police arrested Shankar from Theni during the early hours of Saturday and he is being brought to Coimbatore for further probe. Shankar allegedly made derogatory comments during a recent online interview.
According to sources, Shankar has been booked by police under sections 294(b), 509 and 353 of IPC, section 4 of Tamilnadu Prohibition of Harassment of Woman Act and section 67 of IT Act, 2000.
A staunch critic of the DMK government in the state, Shankar was earlier sentenced to six months by the Madras High Court for contempt.
Shankar is a suspended cop who was working with the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC). He was suspended 13 years before for leaking crucial audio recordings of ministers and officials in the then DMK government. Later, Shankar was also arrested. He runs his own portal called and also is a controversial commentator on YouTube channels in Tamil Nadu.