Hyderabad police has registered a case against Home Minister Amit Shah, Hyderabad Lok Sabha poll BJP candidate Madhavi Latha and a few other BJP leaders for violating model code of conduct. The case was taken following complaint of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) vice- president Niranjan Reddy.
According to police, the case has been registered for using children for election campaigning. Other accused persons in the case include T. Yaman Singh, senior BJP leader G. Kishan Reddy and legislator T. Raja Singh.
In a complaint to the Telangana Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), TPCC vice- president Niranjan Reddy alleged that on May 1, during a BJP rally from Laldawaza to Sudha Talkies, a few minor children were on the dais with Shah. Niranjan Reddy alleged that a child was seen with a BJP symbol, highlighting that it was a clear violation of the guidelines of the Election Commission, according to information available on the FIR copy.
Following his complaint to the poll panel, the CEO forwarded it to the city police for a factual report, resulting in the registration of an FIR against Shah by the Moghalpura police station at 7pm on Thursday. Police registered the case under IPC Section 188 (violation of an order issued by a public servant) and are probing it further.
-with inputs from agencies.