The Aam Aadmi Party released a new CCTV footage from Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence in connection with MP Swati Maliwal’s assault case and claimed all charges by her were false. The party claimed the video proves accusations in the Delhi police’s FIR were false.
Addressing presspersons after the release of the video, Delhi Minister Atishi said, “The words in the video that surfaced make it clear that it was recorded just after she was attacked, as she is claiming. It can be seen in the video that neither her clothes are torn, nor she is in pain. This video shows that all that has been written in FIR is false,” ANI reported. Atishi added, “She can be seen threatening to the police. She is using abusive words for Bibhav Kumar. The CCTV footage from CM's residence door shows that she is going comfortably out of the CM's residence.”
In the video, Maliwal is seen being escorted outside Kejriwal’s residence by security personnel. In a different scenario, the video also shows Maliwal limping while walking towards the police station.
Atishi charged the Bharatiya Janata Party has hatched a conspiracy against Arvind Kejriwal and Maliwal is part of the conspiracy. “Anti-Corruption Bureau of the BJP has filed a case against Swati Maliwal regarding the illegal recruitment of contractual employees in Delhi Commission for Women. A chargesheet has been filed and the time of conviction is coming; we believe that Swati Maliwal is being included in the conspiracy by using this case,” she said.
Atishi said Delhi police, which refused to share a copy of the FIR with accused Bhibav Kumar citing the sensitivity of the case has shared it with all media houses.