Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari on Thursday afternoon after concluding his high-voltage campaign for the Lok Sabha elections. Modi will meditate at Rock Memorial, a monument built in tribute to Swami Vivekananda, for next two days.
The prime minister is scheduled to offer worship at the Bhagavathi Amman temple before reaching the Rock Memorial. Before his departure on June 1, Modi is also likely to visit the Thiruvalluvar statue.
The BJP leaders claimed that Modi will meditate from the evening of Thursday to the evening of June 1 at Dhyan Mandapam, the place where Vivekananda—a spiritual icon admired by Modi—is believed to have had a divine vision about 'Bharat Mata'.
Tamil Nadu Police has beefed up security in the coastal town, deploying around 2,000 personnel. The Indian Coast Guard and Indian Navy also maintain tight vigil.
He had undertaken a similar meditation exercise in a Kedarnath cave after the 2019 election campaign as well.
BJP functionaries had earlier said Modi's decision to pick the spot in Kanyakumari for his spiritual sojourn underscores his commitment to bringing to fruition Vivekananda's vision for the country. The rock, where the prime minister will meditate, had a major impact on Vivekananda's life and holds a similar significance in the monk's life as Sarnath for Gautam Buddha, they said.