
Gurugram: Traffic cops stopping vehicles at night to face music

No traffic challans should be issued at night, Gurugram Police Dy Commissioner said

Gurugram Traffic Police have been asked not tio isse challans at night | Twitter

Gurugram Traffic cops who stop vehicles and issue challans at night will face music, Gurugram DCP Traffic has said. The top police official said the department has decided to do away with vehicle checking at night after receiving complaints in plenty from commuters.

According to an official release, Gurugram's traffic police have been instructed that "no vehicle should be stopped at night and no challan should be issued." In case of emergencies, permission must be sought from higher authorities in advance ahead of issuing the challan.

"Traffic Inspectors are ordered to command all the employees appointed under them in their jurisdiction that no vehicle should be stopped at night and no challan should be issued. If it is very necessary to issue a challan to a driver as per the M.V. Act, in that situation, the challan of that vehicle should be issued as per rules only after bringing it to the notice of the concerned gazetted officer/undersigned and obtaining permission," the official statement by Gurugram's Deputy Commissioner of Police Virendra Vij was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

"The orders should be strictly followed. In case of negligence and carelessness, strict departmental action will be taken against the concerned traffic police officer as per rules with immediate effect," the letter added.

The cop reportedly said that the whole agenda of deploying night patrol was to ensure smooth traffic movement at night in Gurugram. 

"But it has come to the notice of the undersigned that the traffic police personnel deployed at night are unnecessarily stopping the vehicles of common people and harassing them and are also unnecessarily issuing challans for vehicles," read the letter.

DCP Virendra Vij has informed that the traffic police will continue to be strict against drunk drivers at night so that no major accidents occur.