Where is Prajwal Revanna's mother? Karnataka SIT hunts for Bhavani Revanna in sex scandal case

One of the victims was allegedly kidnapped at the behest of H.D. Revanna's wife

Bhavani Revanna and son Prajwal Revanna Bhavani Revanna and son Prajwal Revanna

Karnataka Special Investigation Team (SIT), which is probing the sexual harassment allegations against Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna, is hunting for his mother Bhavani Revanna after the officers were unable to find her at her home.

Bhavani Revanna, whose husband H.D. Revanna is also an accused in sexual harassment case, had earlier filed a plea seeking protection from arrest. However, it was rejected by a local court on Friday.

The SIT had sent a notice asking her to be present at home. After not being able to find Bhavani at home, the SIT dialled her number but it was switched off.

The investigators are probing Bhavani for her alleged role in the abduction of their house help. The abducted woman's son claimed that his mother was kidnapped by a man, identified as Satish Babanna, at the behest of Bhavani and Revanna. Babanna who has been arrested had claimed that his uncle Shivanne Gowda was Bhavani's father.

Bhavani is planning to move Karnataka High Court for anticipatory bail to avoid an arrest by the SIT.

Prajwal, who was arrested in Bengaluru on Friday after he flew in from Germany, was questioned by the SIT for seven hours in one of the sexual harassment cases registered against him. Reports revealed that the MP was not cooperating with the investigators and was giving evasive replies. He also reportedly denied allegations against him and claimed that the case was part of a conspiracy against him.

Meanwhile, the SIT is mulling an inquest at the crime spot in Hassan district's Holenarsipura by Monday ahead of the vote counting.

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