Actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi is all set to script history in Kerala by becoming the first BJP leader to win a Lok Sabha seat in the state, ruled by the CPI(M)-led LDF. Suresh Gopi is leading by nearly 50,000 votes in the Thrissur Lok Sabha seat.
Trailing behind Suresh Gopi is LDF candidate V.S. Sunil Kumar. Suresh Gopi had lost from Thrissur in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and then in the 2021 state assembly polls.
The BJP is also leading in the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat where the party fielded Union Minister of State for Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar against Congress MP Shashi Tharoor. As the early trends came in, there was a neck-and-neck fight, but Rajeev Chandrasekhar gained a credible lead of over 16,000 votes. Both the candidates kept switching the lead between them with small margins during the initial hours of counting.
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We will see how it goes by the end of the day; we can talk about it then, Tharoor said while reacting to the early trends.
Meanwhile, the Congress-led UDF maintained its lead in the majority of seats while the candidates of the ruling LDF were trailing in most constituencies.
Counting is underway for the 20 seats in the state and early trends indicate a close contest between the candidates of the Congress-led UDF and the CPI(M)-led LDF in some seats.