Prajwal Revanna sex video case: SIT to match voices heard in explicit clips with that of ex-MP

The investigators are also trying to trace the JDS scion's 'lost iPhone'

Prajwal Revanna Prajwal Revanna

In what is seen as key evidence in proving the sexual assault cases against Prajwal Revanna, the Karnataka Special Investigation Team (SIT) has collected voice samples of the JDS scion in order to match the voices heard in the leaked explicit video clips.

The SIT has also identified the place where the former MP allegedly sexually assaulted the house help. The sexual abuse against the woman and other victims were allegedly recorded by Prajwal, aged 33, on his iPhone, which he claimed was "lost".

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Reports claimed that Prajwal's face is not visible in the sexual abuse videos leaked by his former driver Karthik Gowda, who was arrested on Saturday. Hence, investigators are now trying to match the voices in the leaked video clips with Prajwal's voice samples obtained by the Forensic Science Laboratory. They are also trying to zero in on the location where the alleged sexual abuse took place.

Prajwal's custody which was extended for four days on June 6 ends on Monday and the SIT is set to seek further extension. He was taken to his Holenarasipura residence in Hassan district for spot mahazar as SIT suspects that the assault on one of the victims happened at the house. The SIT has recovered pillows and bedsheets used by the former MP.

ALSO READ: Prajwal Revanna sex video case: SIT seizes MP's pillows and bedsheets ahead of his arrival

The contents of a pen drive leaked by Karthik included more than 2,000 explicit videos and images. These were circulated in Hassan constituency a week before the Lok Sabha elections on April 26. The former MP who used his diplomatic passport to flee the country to Frankfurt, Germany.

Prajwal is the grandson of former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda and nephew of former Karnataka Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy who took oath as cabinet minister in the Narendra Modi-led government on Sunday. His father, H.D. Revanna, who is the main accused in kidnapping the house help is currently out on conditional bail. Bhavani Revanna, Prajwal's mother, was granted conditional bail until Friday subject to cooperation with the SIT probe.

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