Actor Salman Khan told police that he slept late on the day gunmen targeted his house and he woke up to the sound of bullet hitting the balcony. The Mumbai police recorded statements of the actor and his brother Arbaaz Khan in connection with the firing case.
The police recorded statements of both actors on Wednesday and according to police, Lawrence Bishnoi gang was behind the attacks. In his statement, Salman told police that he was home on the day of the incident, having returned late at night. The sound of a bullet which hit his flat's balcony woke him up, police told PTI.
Police also recorded the statement of the actor’s brother Arbaaz Khan though he was not present at the flat at the time of the attack. Salman's statement was recorded for nearly four hours, while his brother's statement was recorded for more than two hours, police said.
On April 14, two motorbike-borne people opened fire outside Salman Khan's residence in the Bandra area of Mumbai. Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, alleged shooters involved in the April 14 firing incident, were subsequently arrested from Gujarat. Police so far have arrested six persons in connection with the case. However, one of the accused, Anuj Thapan, allegedly hanged himself in a police lock-up on May 1.
Recently, Navi Mumbai police foiled an attack pre-planned on the actor and nabbed four members of the Bishnoi gang.
Lawrence Bishnoi, currently lodged in the Sabarmati central prison in Gujarat's Ahmedabad, and his younger brother Anmol Bishnoi, who is believed to be in the US or Canada, have been named in the firing case.
-with inputs from agencies.