Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a two-day visit to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar on Tuesday. While he will be visiting Kashi Viswanath Temple and distributing Kisan Samman Nidhi funds to beneficiaries in UP, he will inaugurate the new Nalanda University campus on June 19 in Bihar.
The Prime Minister is expected to visit his constituency, Varanasi, and offer prayers at the Kashi Vishwanath Temple at 8pm. He will also be witnessing Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a release.
While in Uttar Pradesh, Modi will release the 17th instalment of PM-KISAN funds; over Rs 20,000 crore will be distributed to 9.26 crore beneficiaries. The prime minister will also distribute grant certificates to more than 30,000 women from Self Help Groups as Krishi Sakhis, it said.
In Bihar, Modi will inaugurate the new campus of Nalanda University at Rajgir on Wednesday. Head of Missions of 17 Countries are expected to attend the event.
In a release, the PMO said, “The original Nalanda University, established around 1600 years ago, is considered to be amongst the first residential universities of the world. In 2016, the ruins of Nalanda were declared as a UN Heritage Site.”
“The Campus is a ‘Net zero’ green campus. It is self-sustainable with solar plant, domestic and drinking water treatment plant, water recycling plant for reusing wastewater, 100 acres of water bodies, and many other environment-friendly facilities,” it said.