Delhi minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Atishi’s health is improving and her vitals are stable, said doctors at Lok Nayak Hospital. AAP leader Sanjay Singh said following her hospitalisation, Atishi has ended her hunger strike.
Suresh Kumar, Medical Director of LNJP Hospital said the health condition of Atishi was very bad when she was admitted, but she is stable right now. “At the time of admission, she was drowsy, her blood sugars were very low and ketones were present in the urine. In the evening, our team visited the site and did all the vital parameters and blood tests, it was found her blood sugar was very low. She was advised admission to the hospital but she refused, but we took the IV sample and in the report, it was found that her blood sugar was very low, her sodium level was 127 and she was feeling weak and drowsy.”
Kumar said Atishi was shifted to the hospital in the morning and she has been admitted in the emergency ICU. “Right now her vital parameters, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and blood sugar are normal and she is also taking oral fluids. Right now she is stable,” he said.
Atishi had started a hunger strike condemning Haryana for releasing less water to the national capital and demanded a fair share of water to Delhi. AAP leader Sanjay Singh said the hunger strike is being stopped considering Atishi’s health. “She is still in the ICU. We are also writing to the prime minister to release Delhi's water. The indefinite hunger strike is being stopped but we will raise our voice in the Parliament,” ANI reported quoting Singh.
-with ANI inputs.