
Will Rahul Gandhi become PM? Here’s what the stars have in store for the Congress leader

Rahul is bound to reach the pinnacle of his political career, says an astrologer

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi | PTI

In a move that would ginger up his political career, Congress leader and the scion of India’s first family Rahul Gandhi—who has come of age with the 2024 general elections—was appointed India's Leader of Opposition. This is Rahul's first Constitutional post after he joined politics two decades ago. Many believe Rahul, who turned 54 on June 19, is showing serious signs of change, as he gradually turns out to be a man of great political wisdom. People who have observed him closely say that Rahul, of late, has been measuring his words and is attentive to his body language signs. 

So, what do Rahul's stars have to say on his renewed vigour? Will the Gemini, as he exercises prudence in important matters from here on, have a smooth ride, or will it be back to square one? And oh yes, what about the path to becoming India's prime minister?

"Even though his 'Rahu Mahadasa' began in March this year, Rahul's horoscope is strongly placed. I see a lot of gains coming for him in politics. He will show positivity in the coming years. His horoscope says he will have a high learning ability in the months to come, which will help him in different ways. I see things going smoothly for him without any hiccups. Rahul is bound to reach the pinnacle of his political career and could come close to occupying the chair of the prime minister," says Sundeep Kochar, one of Mumbai's best astrologers. 

But Kochar says Rahul needs to get married soon. "His fifth house or the house of recognition is ruled by Venus, and its natal chart indicates that things are going to get better for him if he gets married. Rahul is a good-hearted, sensitive person, who will have a long professional life," said Kochar. 

The next six years look really good for Rahul, says astrolger K.B. Unnikrishna Panicker. "He has become emotionally mature and is evolving as a person and as a leader. Till sometime ago there was elarai shani (presence of Saturn) in his horoscope, but not any longer. The impact of Raj Yoga in his horoscope will start showing up soon. Even his enemies will be forced to respect him. In my reading he will become India's prime minister around 2030 period, and then there is no looking back," said Panicker.