Kerala Health Minister Veena George who was on the way to Wayanad's Meppadi amid fatal landslides in the region met with an accident on Wednesday morning.
The vehicle in which she was travelling was trying to dodge an oncoming scooter at Chettiangadi in Malappuram district's Mancheri when it hit an electric post.
The minister, who suffered minor wounds, was admitted to the emergency department of Mancheri Medical College Hospital. She was travelling to the landslide-hit region to take stock of the situation.
Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi who won from Wayanad in the recent Lok Sabha polls said he and Priyanka Gandhi were scheduled to visit Wayanad on Wednesday to meet the families affected by the landslide but were told by authorities that they would not be able to land due to incessant rains and adverse weather conditions.
The IMD, meanwhile, warned of heavy rains in Wayanad which has been rocked by landslides, issuing red alert for eight districts.
The death toll in the Wayanad landslides has reached 150 while 143 autopsies have been completed when this report was published. At least 91 people were missing and 191 were hospitalised.