A tragic development was reported from Sagar of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday morning when a wall collapsed onto temple premises amidst heavy rains, claiming the lives of nine kids. A ceremony was underway at Sagar's Hardayal Baba temple when the incident happened, reports said.
Several survivors were rushed to nearby hospitals after police units joined locals in rescue operations. Many were pulled out of the rubble with the help of an earthmover amidst the unfavourable weather.
Located in the Shahpur neighbourhood, the wall of the dilapidated house near the Hardayal Baba temple was half a century old. The deceased kids were sitting near it in a tent when it came crashing down, news agency PTI said in a report. While two kids died on the spot, others died while on the way to hospitals. All victims were below 15 years of age and were engaged in making 'Shivlings' for the Sawan festivities in the temple, the report added.
According to officials, the deceased were identified as Dhruv Yadav (12), Nitesh Patel (13), Ashutosh Prajapati (15), Prince Sahu (12), Parv Vishwakarma (10), Divyansh Sahu (12), Dev Sahu (12), Vansh Lodhi (10) and Hemant (10).
The incident occurred between 8.30 am and 9:00 am. Madhya Pradesh police reportedly told the press that during the month of Sawan, believers engage in Shivling-making ("Parthiv Shivling Nirman") at the Hardayal Baba temple from dawn. It was no different on Sunday when the tragedy occurred.
The state government announced financial relief for the families of the nine victims. The chief municipal officer (CMO) of Shahpur Nagar Panchayat and a sub-engineer were suspended as a consequence of the incident, reports added.
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"Today, I am saddened to hear the news of 9 innocent children dying due to the collapse of the wall due to heavy rains in Shahpur of Sagar district. I have directed the district administration to provide proper treatment to the injured children.
I pray to God to grant peace to the souls of the deceased children. I pray for the speedy recovery of the other children injured in the accident. I express my deepest condolences to the families who have lost their innocent children. The families of the deceased children will be given a financial assistance of Rs 4 lakh each by the government," Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav said on X (formerly Twitter)