The CBI officials investigating the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College Hospital have decided to collect the call record and chat details of former principal Sandip Ghosh. The former principal was grilled by the investigation agency for the last four days.
A CBI official told PTI that some of the answers given by Ghosh did not match with that of others who are being interrogated in the case. The CBI has prepared a list of 40 people, including doctors and security staff, to interrogate in connection with the case.
Ghosh was also asked to explain what he did after learning about the murder of the victim. He was also asked to explain why he made the parents wait for nearly three hours before showing them their daughter's body. The former principal was also asked about the people he called after he got the news of the death.
The former principal was also questioned on who had ordered renovation of rooms adjacent to the seminar hall, after the postgraduate trainee's body was found there on August 9.
Ghosh is also in trouble for revealing the name of the victim. A case has been filed against him by the Kolkata police in this connection. Police sources said Ghosh came to know about the incident from a doctor at the hospital around 10:15 am on August 9. He filed a complaint after more than five hours, around 3 pm where he took the name of the victim publicly.
Meanwhile, the West Bengal government on Monday formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the alleged financial irregularities at the RG Kar hospital since 2021. State Police IG Pranab Kumar is heading the investigation team. The team has been asked to submit the first report regarding the progress of the inquiry within one month.
A circular issued by the government's Home and Hill Affairs Department Internal Security Branch said the SIT will have the "liberty to access any relevant document from government departments and private agencies required for expeditious completion of the inquiry".
Ghosh, an orthopaedic doctor, had resigned from the R G Kar Medical College principal's post two days after the woman's body was found on August 9. He rejoined another hospital a day later but was slammed by the Calcutta High Court which sent him on a long leave.
Ghosh has also filed a plea in the High Court expressing fears that his life was in danger. The court directed him to approach a single bench.