Maharashtra Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar said though it is sad that the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Sindhudurg collapsed, it was an opportunity to construct a taller statue now. The statue constructed by the Indian Navy, and unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year, collapsed on Monday evening.
Addressing presspersons, Kesarkar said, “This is an accident. This statue was erected by the Navy. It was Navy Day, Prime Minister was about to come here, so it was done swiftly at that time and everyone praised it.” Kesarkar said it was an opportunity to construct a 100-ft tall statue to replace the 35-ft statue that collapsed.
“If a similar, very tall statue is built here, it will be an attraction for the entire India. Tourists come to Malvan, so if this is deliberated upon and built like the Statue of Liberty, it will be a tribute to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj,” Kesarkar said. The minister added he will discuss with the chief minister and deputy chief ministers on this regard and have estimates ready for rebuilding the statue.
A 35-foot statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj collapsed around 1pm at Rajkot Fort in Malvanon Monday. Maharashtra police have reportedly registered a case against the contractors.
Meanwhile, the Indian Navy has constituted a team to probe the collapse of the statue. The Navy constructed the 35-ft tall statue and it was unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during Navy Day celebrations on December 4 last year.
“Indian Navy notes with deep concern the damage caused this morning to the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj that was unveiled on Navy Day on December 4, 2023, as a dedication to the citizens of Sindhudurg. Along with the State Government and concerned specialists, the Navy has deputed a team to immediately investigate the cause of this unfortunate accident and initiate steps to repair, restore and reinstate the statue at the earliest,” the Navy said in a statement.
The opposition demanded a probe into the incident. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray in a social media post said the state will never tolerate an insult to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. “BJP has the arrogance that we will do anything and get away with it. Because of that arrogance, Maharaj's memorial was made in haste without considering the seriousness of it. The intention was to use only the Maharaja's image, so the quality of the memorial was not taken into account. Didn't even hear what the locals said,” Thackeray said.