Jharkhand Chief Minister and JMM head Hemant Soren accused the BJP was behind exam paper leaks across the country and money garnered by leaking the question paper is used by the party to fund assembly poll campaigns in the state. Soren also took a dig at central agencies for not probing paper leaks.
The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha head charged the Bharatiya Janata Party of using funds generated using paper leaks to “buy” MPs and MLAs post-election. "The pomp and show that you are seeing from the BJP in Jharkhand elections is all due to the money from paper leaks... ED, CBI, NIA which have started investigating even chicken theft cases these days did not probe paper leaks because it is the BJP that leaks these and with that money, it buys MLAs and MPs post elections," Soren tweeted.
Soren’s charges come a day after youth called off protests against the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission over conducting an examination of review officer and assistant review officer roles.
Soren questioned why the ruling BJP has not taken any concrete action against paper leaks. "Exam papers were leaked in all BJP-ruled states... MP Vyapam scam claimed several lives. In Jharkhand, we made tough law post one paper leak but BJP went to Raj Bhavan terming it a black law," he alleged in the post.
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Taking a dig at the BJP, which has been accusing the JMM-led coalition of backing infiltration into the state, Soren said those who fail to provide security to the country's borders will never be able to create a future for the youth.
The Jharkhand CM claimed had he not been harassed by central agencies like ED and CBI in false cases, he would have created several new posts for recruiting youths.