The Bengaluru police is considering challenging bail granted on medical grounds to Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa in the Renukaswamy murder case. The Kannada superstar was granted bail by the Karnataka High Court recently to undergo spine surgery.
Bengaluru Police Commissioner B. Dayananda said they will challenge bail granted to Darshan soon at the apex court. "The process is on and at the earliest we will file an appeal in the Supreme Court," the police commissioner told reporters on Tuesday.
The 47-year-old actor was released on bail from Ballari prison on October 30 after the Karnataka High Court granted him bail for six weeks to undergo the surgery. The actor approached the High Court after the trial court denied him bail.
Darshan, who was initially lodged in Bengaluru prison was later shifted to Ballari after visuals emerged of the actor receiving special treatment in prison. A video also emerged showing the actor interacting with a fan over a video call. The Karnataka government transferred Darshan to Ballari and suspended prison officials over the issue.
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The Kannada superstar was arrested on June 11 for allegedly murdering his fan Renukaswamy along with his accomplices. Darshan was angered by Renukaswamy’s alleged derogatory messages to actor and friend Pavithra Gowda. Another accused in the case, Raghavendra, who is part of Darshan's fan club in Chitradurga, told Renukaswamy that Darshan wanted to meet him, and allegedly brought him to a shed in R.R. Nagar, where he was allegedly tortured and murdered. According to police, Pavithra is the primary accused in the case and she instigated others.
Renukaswamy's body was recovered on June 9 and it was found near a stormwater drain in Sumanahalli. The autopsy report revealed he died due to shock and haemorrhage caused by multiple blunt injuries.