A loud blast was reported in Prashant Vihar in Delhi on Thursday morning. Fire engines were rushed to the spot and police, bomb disposal squad are conducting a probe at the site.
According to reports, the blast was reported near the PVR multiplex in the area and the Delhi Fire Service received a call at around 11.48am. "We received a call regarding a blast in Prashant Vihar area at 11.48 am. We rushed four fire tenders on the spot. Our teams are following the rest of the details," an official told PTI.
This is the second time a blast has been reported in the area, after a suspicious blast outside the CRPF school in Prashant Vihar on October 20. No casualties have been reported in the blast.
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Reportedly, the union home ministry has also engaged the National Investigation Agency unofficially for probing the case. In the blast outside the CRPF school, the school’s wall, neighbouring shops and cars parked nearby suffered damages. Security forces then said the explosive resembled that of a crude bomb.
According to reports, a suspicious white powder similar to the October 20 blast was found at the blast site. Police also probed Khalistani links in connection with the probe as a threat was issued on Telegram app, warning agencies and their close associates or family members may be the next target.