The Jammu and Kashmir police announced on Tuesday that the militant killed in an ongoing operation in the Dachigam area was involved in a deadly attack on October 21 in Ganderbal's Gagangir, where seven civilians had lost their lives.
The police said the militant, Junaid Ahmad Bhat, was part of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) group and responsible for the attack on civilians, as well as other attacks.
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A doctor and six construction workers were killed when militants attacked a construction site in Gagangir.
"During the ongoing operation, one terrorist was killed, identified as Junaid Ahmed Bhat (LeT, Category A). He was involved in the killings of civilians in Gagangir and other attacks," police said.
They said that the operation is being conducted together with the Rashtriya Rifles and other security forces.
The encounter began in the morning after the security forces neared a hideout of the militants during a cordon and search operation in the area.