For the second time within a week, six schools in Delhi received bomb threat emails on Friday, putting the national capital on high alert. Students have been sent to their homes and Delhi police and other security agencies are conducting checks at school premises.
#WATCH | Delhi: Team of Dog squad, fire officials leave after checking the premises of Delhi Public School, East of Kailash. A total of 6 schools in Delhi received bomb threat emails today: Delhi Fire Service
— ANI (@ANI) December 13, 2024
"Nothing has been found", says a police official.
A Delhi Fire Services official said, "We received calls (regarding the threat emails) from Bhatnagar International School in Paschim Vihar (4.21am), Cambridge School in Shri Niwas Puri (6.23am), DPS Amar Colony in East of Kailash (6.35 am), South Delhi Public School in Defence Colony (7.57am), Delhi Police Public School in Safdarjung (8.02 am) and Venkateshwar Global School in Rohini (8.30 am),” PTI reported.
Cambridge School principal Madhavi Goswami said she saw the email during a routine check and alerted police immediately. "I informed the police and they worked proactively. We were assured by the Delhi police about the investigation. We informed the parents that classes would be online today," Goswami told PTI.
At South Delhi Public School, guards asked parents coming to school with their children to return.
According to police, the schools received the email at 12.54am on Friday and the sender mentioned schools will face blast on Friday and Saturday. The sender also mentioned ‘parent-teachers' meetings and 'sports day' activities in the schools.
Delhi police, fire department and bomb detection teams along with dog squads have reached the schools and are conducting checks. On December 9, 44 schools in the national capital received bomb threats. However, police declared they were hoax threats after conducting searches at all school premises.
Former Delhi chief minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal hit out at Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the Centre and said the situation was worrisome. "This is the second time this week that Delhi schools have received bomb threats, which is extremely serious and worrying. If this continues, how badly will it affect the children? What will happen to their studies?" he asked in a tweet.