Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath slammed the opposition for moving impeachment motions against Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar and Allahabad High Court judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav and said those “speaking truth” are threatened this way.
Speaking at the World Hindu Economic Forum 2024, the Uttar Pradesh chief minister said those speaking truth are pressurised with impeachment motions. "Whoever speaks the truth, these people will pressurise him with impeachment (motions), and still they talk about the Constitution. Look at their double standards,” he said.
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Adityanath said, “An Allahabad High Court judge said there should be a Uniform Civil Code, and world over, the feelings of the majority community are respected," PTI reported. The chief minister said is it a crime if a person voices their opinions. "Shouldn't there be a Uniform Civil Code in the country? World over, the system runs as per what the majority community says, and India is saying the discrimination between majority and minority communities should end. They (the Congress) will pressurize, because it is their old habit of strangulating the Constitution and managing the system of the country," he charged.
Adityanath charged the opposition is worried that a farmer’s son has become vice president hence they have moved an impeachment motion against Dhankar. The Uttar Pradesh CM said the vice president is only doing his job as Rajya Sabha chairman. "The opposition is worried as to how a farmer's son has reached this position. If someone as a judge as well as a citizen of the country puts forth truth on a social and cultural platform, he is threatened with impeachment,” he said.
Opposition members have moved impeachment motions against Vice President Dhankar, accusing him of conducting the house in a biased manner. An impeachment motion has also been moved against Allahabad High Court Judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav for his controversial remarks during an event organised by the legal cell of right-wing Vishwa Hindu Parishad earlier this month.