Uttar Pradesh police registered a case against Samajwadi Party MP from Sambhal Zia ur Rehman Barq for power theft on Thursday. Barq is already accused of instigating the violent clashes that erupted in Sambhal on November 24 over the survey of Mughal-era mosque.
The opposition MP is accused of theft of electricity at his residence in the Deepa Sarai neighbourhood in Sambhal. The parliamentarian is facing charges under Section 135 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (theft of power or unauthorised use of electricity).
Officials from the power department inspected the MP’s house on Thursday morning amid heavy security. "On checking the meter of the consumer received from the electrical testing laboratory, it is clear that electricity theft has been done by bypassing the meter and using electricity illegally," stated the FIR lodged on a complaint by a power department official.
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The case comes a day after the MP approached the Allahabad High Court seeking to quash FIR against him in connection with the violence that erupted in Sambhal over a survey of Shahi Jama Masjid on November 24. Barq also sought protection from arrest in the case. According to police, the provocative speech given by Barq led to the violence.
Barq claims he was wrongly complicated in the case and he was not present at the place during the clashes. Over four persons were killed and over 20 persons including police personnel suffered injuries in the clashes that erupted over survey of the mosque. The survey was ordered after a petition was moved in the local court claiming the Masjid was built after demolishing a temple during the Mughal era.