Often spotted accompanying Manmohan Singh at official and casual events, the former Prime Minister's wife Gurcharan Kaur was his constant supporter and a distinguished academic herself. She epitomised Indian hospitality with her understated elegance and warm demeanour during state visits of world leaders, including during US President Barack Obama's India visit in 2010. Pictures from archives showed Kaur sharing warm moments with the then-US first lady Michelle Obama.
"Whenever the Indian Prime Minister speaks, the whole world listens to him." - Former US President Obama
— RR 🇮🇳 (@RakshaRamaiah) March 1, 2024
Video: Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle welcomed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ji and his wife Gursharan Kaur. #IndiaFirst pic.twitter.com/ooa5PbfzU3
A history professor and author who had to put her career on the backburner after Dr Singh began climbing heights, Kaur was born in Pakistan but fled to India with her family during the partition.
Dr Singh and Kaur were married in 1958, and the couple have three daughters– Upinder Singh, Daman Singh, and Amrit Singh. It was Kaur's family who first approached Dr Singh with the marriage proposal. The economist, who had returned to India after his stint in Cambridge, was impressed by an educated Kaur. They later met and interacted after which Dr Singh agreed to the marriage.
Since moving base to Delhi, Kaur came to be recognised in the Delhi Sikh Community for her kirtan singing - even performing on All India Radio, Jalandhar - and attending book launches and cultural events.
Dr Singh himself never shied away from praising Kaur, once quipping: "I have the benefit of being advised by (both) the Congress President (Sonia Gandhi) and my wife. Both of them deal with different subjects."
Kaur herself has a humourous side to her, which the former Prime Minister appreciated as he was often the subject of the joke himself. An earlier article that appeared in Hindustan Times had an interesting anecdote. A prime ministerial aide was giving the new Prime Minister Manmohan Singh tips in public speaking when Kaur said: "I will learn better, teach me."
She also had no qualms about telling 5'11" tall Michelle Obama about her short stature. "Don't worry, I'll take off my heels," Michelle reportedly replied.
Kaur was a star in her own right too. Her elegance and start minimalism even vowed fashion watchers. During the 2009 G-20 summit in London, Kaur stood out among other first wives, who were dressed to the nines, with her natural elegance. An article that appeared in Vogue UK noted that she was the only first wife to have not dyed the grey in her hair and wore it with such grace that it marked her out. Her trademark style of elegant silk saree and strings of pearls always made Kaur look graceful.
After Singh's retirement from active politics, both led a modest life in Delhi. She was seen offering prayers at Gurudwara after Singh underwent open-heart surgery in 2019.
The couple's three children are also active in academic circles. While their eldest daughter Upinder Singh is a Dean of Faculty at Ashoka University, the second daughter Daman Singh is an author. The couple's youngest daughter is a human rights lawyer and a Professor at the Stanford Law School.