The 10-year-old boy, who fell into a 140-feet borewell in Madhya Pradesh's Guna district died hours after rescue. Though he was rushed to hospital, he could not be saved. However, efforts are ongoing to rescue a three-year-old, who fell into a borewell in Rajasthan.
The whole rescue operation took around 16 hours, said officials.
Sumit Meena, the boy, slipped into the open shaft of the borewell at around 5 pm on Saturday in Pipliya village, located 50 km from the Guna district headquarters.
According to officials, the boy was unresponsive when brought out at around 9.30 am on Sunday.
"The child was in the narrow borewell for the entire night in the chilly weather. His hands and feet were drenched and swollen. His clothes were also wet and mud was found in his mouth," Guna district chief medical and health officer Dr Rajkumar Rishishwar told reporters.
The boy was trapped at a depth of 39 feet in the borewell, which is around 140-feet deep, said Guna Collector Satendra Singh.
He added that since the borewell did not strike any water, no casing had been put on it.
The rescue operation was led by the NDRF team from Bhopal.
Meanwhile, the rescue operation to save a three-and-a-half-year-old who into a borewell in Rajasthan's Kiratpura village has intensified. The child, identified as Chetna, fell into the borewell on December 23.
The construction of a tunnel to reach the girl faced challenges due to the rocky terrain of the area, said district collector Kalpana Agarwal. The intermittent rain since last night has also been a blow to the rescue efforts.
Authorities including teams of the NDRF, SDRF and local administration have been conducting the rescue operation to save the girl.