West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee visited Sandeshkhali in North 24 Parganas district on Monday for the first time since the unrest in the area earlier this year. Sandeshkhali had been embroiled in controversy ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, with widespread allegations against local Trinamool Congress (TMC) leaders involving sexual assault on women and forced land acquisitions.
Tensions began after a team from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) was attacked by a mob, allegedly provoked by local TMC leader Sheikh Shahjahan, in January. The attack occurred as the central agency officials were heading to his residence to conduct a raid as part of their investigation into a suspected public distribution scam and allegations of illegal land acquisition.
The ruling party effectively managed the controversy by releasing videos that allegedly showed local BJP leaders admitting to offering money to individuals to fabricate accusations against TMC leaders and workers. These videos helped shape the narrative that some of the issues in Sandeshkhali were orchestrated.
Trinamool then secured a decisive victory in the Basirhat constituency, in which Sandeshkhali falls, with a massive lead of over 3 lakh votes in Lok Sabha polls. In November, during a by-election in the neighbouring Haroa assembly constituency, Trinamool achieved another resounding win, garnering 76.63% of the total vote share and a margin exceeding 1.25 lakh votes.
These electoral successes highlighted the prevailing public sentiment, dispelling predictions that the Sandeshkhali controversy would put the TMC on the back foot. The Trinamool supremo’s visit on Monday showed clear signs that the party was very much in control in the area.
Sandeshkhali: Decoding the political turf war in West Bengal
A large crowd assembled at the Rishi Aurobindo Mission ground to participate in the event. During the program, the chief minister personally honoured people who received financial assistance under the Banglar Bari scheme, along with beneficiaries of other state government initiatives such as Kanyashree, Rupashree, Aikyashree, and Jai Johar, among others.
Additionally, she directed that a caesarean delivery facility at the local Sandeshkhali Rural Hospital be started and the bed capacity be raised from 30 to 60.
As the region consists of a cluster of islands, a member of the crowd requested the construction of a bridge over the Bidhyadhari River. In response, the chief minister mentioned that two bridges had already been built, with another one in progress.
"Infrastructure projects like bridges require significant funding. I am noting your request, but we need to arrange the necessary resources. The Centre provides us with nothing. I also have to manage other state government initiatives," she explained, highlighting her administration's efforts to enhance water transportation facilities in the area.
“It was a game of money and money only. People were intentionally misled. But lies cannot last forever,” CM Banerjee said amidst a thunderous response from the crowd. “Coexist with others peacefully and don’t fall in the traps of bad people.”
Allegations had surfaced earlier this year that Trinamool leaders and workers in Sandeshkhali threatened local women and molested them in the guise of giving them the benefits of state government schemes. CM Banerjee gave an assuring message to women.
“My message to my mothers and sisters, please don’t go anywhere if someone asks you to. It’s your right to get the benefits of government schemes. You don’t have to go anywhere. The government will come at your doorstep with Duare Sarkar,” she said.
CM Banerjee asked the people of Sandeshkhali to leave the incidents of earlier this year behind and move forward. “I want a girl from Sandeshkhali to top the board exams. I want someone from here to become an IPS or IAS officer. This is not a place for riots and violence. We want peace.”
She further requested the chief secretary of West Bengal to hold Duare Sarkar camps in Sandeshkhali and other remote islands in the neighbourhood.