AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal spent Rs 33 crore for renovating the official residence at 6, Flag Staff Road, when he was the chief minister of Delhi, according to a report filed by Comptroller and Auditor General Girish Chandra Murmu. The report was signed off by Murmu just a week before he demitted office on November 20, 2024.
Though the preliminary estimate to renovate the residence was Rs 7.91 crore, it was awarded for Rs 8.62 crore in 2020. However, once the work was completed by the Public Works Department (PWD) in 2022, the total cost was Rs 33.66 crore, The Indian Express quoted the CAG report.
Kejriwal vacated the premises in October 2024 after stepping down as Delhi Chief Minister on September 17.
📌 In 2013: 18 demands put forward by Kejriwal's AAP
— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) December 10, 2024
Stop VIP culture in Delhi, no red beacons, no BIG bungalows for govt officials 🔥
In 2024, Kejriwal's official bungalow has a 'SPA' bigger than the homes of many Delhi people 🎯
"Kattar Imaandaar" 👌 pic.twitter.com/P0VByfq3IV
While Rs 96 lakh was spent on main and sheer curtains, kitchen equipment worth Rs 39 lakh was set up in the residence. The TV console cost Rs 20.34 lakh and the treadmill and gym equipment were installed for Rs 18.52 lakh. The silk carpets cost Rs 16.27 lakh and the minibar was set up for Rs 4.80 lakh. While the initial estimate for marble stone for walls was Rs 20 lakh, the final cost came up to a whopping Rs 66.89 lakh.
An amount of Rs 5.5 lakh was spent for floor tiles, but it went on to cost Rs 14 lakh, almost thrice the initial estimate.
The L-shaped sofa used in the residence costs Rs Rs 6.40 lakh while the upholstered bed costs Rs 3.99 lakh. The residence also had a Burma Teak and veneer-make ornamental mirror which cost 2.39 lakh.
The CAG report has also highlighted "irregularities" by PWD related to what it called the "remodelling" of existing accommodation on the ground floor and the construction of an "additional storey." The report also brings up "doubtful selection of consultants, frequent revision of estimates and going beyond approvals to include items of higher specifications."
It also casts doubts on the tendering process which it cites was invited in October 2020 from five contractors, of which only three submitted their bids. The work was awarded to the lowest bidder from among a “deficient” list of probables drawn up by PWD, the report said. The PWD had listed "items of superior specification, artistic, antique and ornamental items," as "extra items."
On the report, AAP spokesperson told the Indian Express that it was a "diversionary tactic by the BJP, days before the elections when they have lost the narrative".
"It sounds odd to hear about the official CM residence, which was built by the PWD, from a party whose leader lives in a Rs 2,700 crore house, travels in an Rs 8,400 crore aircraft, wears Rs 10 lakh suits," the spokesperson said.
The BJP too had been using the controversy to criticise AAP, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi taking a sly dig at Kejriwal, stating he could have built a "Sheesh Mahal" for himself but chose to give people, especially the homeless. Sheesh Mahal is the term BJP uses to describe Kejriwal’s official residence and the alleged corruption involved in its renovation.