The 2.11-minute video, which has garnered 70,000 views by the time of filing this report, shows a couple booking a hotel package worth Rs 35,000. The package promises railway station pick-up, meals, and a tour of Prayagraj. However, when they reach the Prayagraj station, there is no vehicle for a pick-up and the phone number listed for the booking is switched off. When they reach the ‘resort’ on an auto rickshaw, they find it is just an empty plot of land. The website has also vanished. The man then spots a QR code which is offering a cottage for Rs 900. However, on scanning the code, Rs 15,000 plus is deducted from his bank account.
Actor Sanjay Mishra then pops into the video to caution people against such cheats and asks people to only rely on the government website-
महाकुंभ में आस्था की डुबकी लगाएं, लेकिन साइबर स्कैम के जाल में न फंसें!
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) January 5, 2025
सिर्फ पंजीकृत वेबसाइट से बुकिंग कराएं, वरना साइबर ठग आपका ठिकाना भी गायब कर सकते हैं।
सतर्क रहें, सुरक्षित रहें!
प्रयागराज महाकुंभ में ठहरने के अधिकृत स्थानों की सूची निम्न लिंक से डाउनलोड…
The state’s police is constantly monitoring search engines to identify fake websites. In addition, cyber warriors are constantly debunking fake information and misinformation. Uttar Pradesh police is also constantly posting precautions that must be taken during the Mahakumbh, broadcasting the 112 number to be called in case of a mishap and also propagating the use of the 'UP Cop' app.
Also read
- 'Show largeheartedness like Muslims': Top Islamic cleric stokes row claiming waqf land is used for mahakumbh
- 2,500 water police personnel deployed to ensure safety in Ganga and Yamuna ahead of Kumbh Mela
- PHOTOS | Sadhus in mahakumbh
- Stop mass 'ghar wapsi' during Mahakumbh: Top Muslim cleric urges Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath
The intensive security measures put in place for the Mahakumbh are being studied by the Ujjain police where the next Kumbh will take place.
There are many firsts being implemented in this Mahakumbh to ensure the safety of all pilgrims. For instance, tethered drones are being deployed. Not only are these more stable than other drones, their signals too cannot be interfered with or jammed. Similarly, underwater drones with the capacity to plunge 100 metres into water and work in low visibility will be deployed.
Also, four kinds of QR codes have been provided for police, transport, mela information and medical emergencies; help will reach within minutes of scanning these.