In a tragic incident, a law student from Amity University fell to death from the seventh floor of a building at Sector 99 in Noida on Saturday. Tapas, a resident of Ghaziabad, plunged to death around 4:30 pm during a house party held at a flat in Supreme Towers. The flat was shared by two of his classmates.
Police said five other students were inside the flat when the incident occurred. Though they rushed the youth to hospital, he was declared dead on arrival. The police were immediately alerted. His body has since been sent for a post-mortem examination.
The body was reportedly found at the rear section of the residential building. However, this area was reportedly under construction and the builder had put up a scaffolding to stop residents from going there. Residents of the apartment complex also expressed concern about how the body was found in a restricted area. One of the residents also claimed that she met Tapas at the elevator earlier that day.
Authorities have launched an investigation after Tapas' family alleged that his female classmate was harassing him. The woman has been booked for abetment of suicide under BNS Section 108. His family claimed that the youth was unhappy after the woman cut off contact with him.
However, DCP Rambadan Singh told reporters that the police were analysing CCTV footage to determine whether Tapas fell to death accidentally or whether there was any foul play involved in the incident. "The family suspects the involvement of his friends. All angles are being thoroughly checked. We are also questioning the people present at the party," Singh was quoted by the Times of India.