Mumbai police said they have identified one of the accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case and special teams have been formed to nab the culprits. The actor underwent multiple surgeries to treat his stab wounds on Thursday and he is recovering, doctors at Lilavati Hospital said.
Police said they have identified the accused using CCTV visuals and he used stairs to enter and exit the building. Dixit Gedam, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone 9, said, “It has been discovered that the accused used the fire escape to enter their house. So far, the investigation suggests that it was an attempted burglary. We are making every effort to arrest the accused as soon as possible. Once he is arrested, we will be able to disclose further details,” ANI reported.
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Gedam said one accused in the case has been identified and 10 special teams have been deployed to nab the accused. According to police, Saif's domestic help has lodged a complaint for trespassing and attempt to murder. The maid was the first to raise an alarm noticing the intruder, at around 2.30am, following which the actor intervened.
On the health front, doctors who treated the actor at Lilavati Hospital said his condition is stable and he is recovering. A burglar allegedly attempted to barge into Saif’s house in Mumbai’s Bandra during the early hours of Thursday. A scuffle allegedly broke out between the actor and the culprit and Saif was stabbed six times.
Dr Nitin Dange from the hospital said Saif is out of danger and stable. According to doctors, Saif sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine and surgery was performed to remove a 2.5-inch-long knife from the actor's spine and repair his 'leaking spinal fluid', ANI reported. Dr Dange said the actor suffered deep injuries in his neck and left hand and plastic surgeries were also performed to treat them.