The Karnataka cabinet on Thursday gave its approval to issue a transferable development rights (TDR) certificate to the Mysore royals family for acquiring 15 acres and 39 gunta of land on the Bangalore Palace Grounds for widening the Bellary and Jayamahal roads.
The decision comes following the Supreme Court castigating the state government and the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike for not complying with its earlier order, during the hearing on December 10, 2024.
The apex court had passed orders in November 2014 and May 2022, directing the government to issue TDR at market value. On December 10, 2024, it granted a final six-week deadline for issuing the TDR certificates, noting that the market value of the said land should be Rs 2.83 lakh to Rs. 2.04 lakh per square metre.
As per the government estimates, the land's TDR value is Rs. 1,396 crores, and the royal family can construct up to 13.91 lakh sqft of commercial property.
The Supreme Court will review the compliance on January 22, 2025.
Meanwhile, the Karnataka government has also decided to file an Interim application (IA) before the Supreme Court, seeking an urgent hearing on the validity of the Bangalore Palace (Acquisition and Transfer) Act, 1996. Also, the cabinet has decided to file a contempt petition against the royal family members alleging the construction of unauthorised structures on the Bangalore Palace premises, which is a violation of the Supreme Court’s 2001 order to maintain the "status quo" in the case.
The government has issued notices (dated January 9, 2025) to vacate the illegal structures within 15 days and has decided against allowing any programmes at the Palace Grounds.
It may be recalled that the Karnataka government had enacted the Bangalore Palace (Acquisition and Transfer) Act, 1996, vesting ownership of all movable and immovable properties of the Bangalore Palace with the government. However, the legal heirs have contested the Act in the Supreme Court and litigation over the ownership of the 472-acre Palace Grounds is pending in the court.