The Mumbai police recorded actor Saif Ali Khan’s statement in the horrific stabbing case on Thursday. Police officials visited the actor at his residence in Bandra and recorded his statement.
The actor, who was allegedly stabbed six times by attacker Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, was discharged after treatment from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday. Khan said in his statement that he woke up hearing screams of younger son Jeh’s and his nanny’s screams, and got attacked while trying to nab the alleged intruder.
Khan told police that he and his wife, actor Kareena Kapoor, were sleeping in their bedroom on 11th floor of the building when they heard screams of younger son Jehangir's nanny. The couple rushed to their son’s room hearing the cry and they saw the attacker, NDTV reported quoting the actor’s statement. Jeh was crying, and his nanny Eliyama Philips was scared and screaming, the actor told the police.
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Khan said he was attacked when he tried to stop the intruder. Though injured, Khan pushed the attacker inside the room and locked him as nanny ran away with Jeh, police said.
Mumbai police have registered a case based on a complaint from the actor’s maid and she also suffered injuries in the attack. Khan suffered deep wounds in his neck and left hand and underwent multiple surgeries as part of the treatment.
Meanwhile, Mumbai police’s custody of the accused ends on Friday. Police will produce the accused in court today and seek an extension of his custody. Reportedly, the attacker has confessed to the crime. Police on Thursday recovered the third part of the knife allegedly used to attack Khan.