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Do you know planets are responsible for marriage related issues?


writes Dr Sohini Sastri, India’s finest astrologer and the only astrologer to have been honoured by His Excellency President of India and the Hon’ble Vice President of India for her vast knowledge and contributions in the field of astrology and occult sciences. Her latest book, A Complete Guide to Astrology, is available on Amazon

Connect with Dr Sohini Sastri at www.sohinisastri.com; sohini.sastri@gmail.com; 9163532538/9038136660

Marriages were easy in olden days. As soon as the boy and girl reached marriageable age, the elders in family started searching for the bride or groom and generally the marriages were solemnized at early ages. As per the best astrologer in Delhi, marriage is one of the most important parts of our life. The journey of becoming husband and wife from a boy and girl gives our life fulfillment in every aspect, be it responsibility, love & care, children and so on.

We often face difficulties in finding the right partner, for some of us it takes years to find the perfect match. Eventually resulting delay in marriage.

How planets and their positions create obstruction in marriage?

Marriages were easy in past, the elders usually decided on marrying off girls and boys at an early age. For most of us marriage is a natural course just like birth and death. According to astrology each of nine planets are somehow responsible for our marriage; be it a successful one or problematic. In some cases we can see very good-looking, well-educated, well established natives are also facing marriage related issue. Either they face separation or they face extreme obstacle in finding life partner, in some cases marriages get postponed even after finalizing everything. People think these are mere accident but actually any of the 9 planets, their position and malefic effect is responsible.

7th house is the house of marriage. Astrologically speaking, all the above problems are orchestrated by malefic planets or their positions in our birth chart. 2nd, 8th and 12th house plays very important role in our marriage. Late marriage or delayed marriage is controlled by Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Sun. Saturn and Rahu plays the main role whereas we can consider Sun as the secondary factor.

If Saturn is the lord of 7th house or posited in 7th house, it create major negative impact in marriage. The native become unwilling towards marriage or the willingness appear at a late age. Saturn creates a situation where the native has to go through many challenges and crisis in every front, like - family, career, financial, physical etc. before he or she realize the importance of marriage.

Lagna or Ascendant is the first moment of contact between the soul and its new life on earth. One's Ascendant, or Lagna, is the degree of the sign and constellation which is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of one's birth. The extreme opposite or the western horizon is the 7th house. According to astrological laws and natural laws, the Sun is stronger in eastern horizon, whereas Sun’s power is lowest in western horizon as it sets in west. If Sun is the lord of 7th house or simply posited in 7th house, it will be responsible for late marriage or it may make the native very choosy. But Sun alone is not powerful enough, if the malefic effect of Saturn or Mars adds up with Sun it can cause late marriage.

Here goes few astrological facts & situation that might cause trouble in marriage –

· If Mars posited in 7th house then it create repeated problem in match-making. If Mars is situated in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house in retrograde position then it will definitely cause delay in marriage.

· If Rahu or Ketu posited in the 7th house, it often sees that marriage gets cancelled after being finalized. In such cases the native face conspiracy from his/her own relatives and neighbors.

· The retrograde motion of Saturn in 7th house (house of marriage) or 8th house (house of marital harmony) can cause extreme delay in marriage. The same thing happens if Sun & Saturn align together in 7th or 8th house.

· 2nd, 7th & 11th houses are responsible for perfect marriage. If lord of 2nd house in retrograde position and form a lineage point, it will cause delay in marriage. If the lord of 7th house posited in 8th or 12th house, then the native will face difficulties in finding his/her suitable life partner. If we find the lord of 4th house weak and retrograde Saturn or Rahu-Ketu combination situated in the same place, then there is a chance that the marriage gets postponed after being finalized. As well negative effect of your house’s vastu can effect similarly.

· After considering all the above situations we also need to analyze our D9 chart. If the positions of the lords of 2nd, 7th and 11th house are weak then also the native will face various difficulties and obstacle in marriage.

But do not worry; there is astrological solution which can completely resolve the late marriage issue.