
Dr. Sohini Sastri’s Insight into Kaal Sarpa Dosh and its various types

Dr Sohini Sastri, the best and only astrologer in India honoured by the President and Vice President in India for her vast knowledge in astrology and occult science talks about Kaal Sarpa Yog

www.sohinisastri.com; sohini.sastri@gmail.com; 9163532538/9038136660

Kaal Sarpa Dosh/yog is formed when all the seven planets get jammed between the shades of Rahu and Ketu. It means all 7 planets are positioned between 180 degree, literally leaving the other half empty. Rahu is the snake's head and Ketu is the snake’s tail. If planets are moving towards Rahu, it’s called Kaal Sarpa Dosh and if they’re bound towards Ketu, it’s termed as Kaal Sarpa Yog. The presence of this Kaal sarpa Dosh/ Yog is very harmful.

Kaal  sarpa dosh can be classified in 12 types. Following are the brief details on different types of kaal Sarpa Dosh:–

  • Anant Kaal Sarpa Dosh

If in any horoscope, Rahu is present in the Lagna or the ascendant and Ketu is present in the 7th house, with all the other houses in between them, then the Kaalsarpa Yog is called Anant Kaalsarpa Dosh. The people under this Dosh have to work really hard in order to get success in their lives. The obstructions and challenges present in their path are too much and the struggles remain for a long period of time. Due to this dosh, a person faces problems in all aspects of their lives.

  • Kulik Kaal sarpa Dosh

If the Rahu is in the 2nd house and Ketu is present in the 8th house and all the planets are present in between these two, then the dosh is known as Kulik Kaalsarpa  Dosh. A person under the influence of these two houses is bound to remain a failure and he learns to handle big insults. The education of the person under this Yog will run at a constant speed and his marital life also remains normal. But the monetary losses, deceit are obstacles in happiness, humiliations become a routine.

  • Vasuki Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

If the Rahu is present in the 2nd house and Ketu is present in the 9th house and all the planets are present in between these two, then the yog  is known as Vasuki Kaalsarpa Dosh. This yog disturbs relationship with siblings and causes a problem in one’s family and family relations resulting in disturbance. The economic situation of the house also worsens because of that.

  • Shankhpal Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

If the Rahu is in the 4th house and Ketu is in the 10th house, having all other planets between them, then the yog is known as Shankhpal Kaal Sarpa Dosh. A person under the influence of this Yog sees financial hardships, diseases and a lot of problems in their houses. There is really minimal happiness and a person faces many problems in education.

  • Padam Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

When the Rahu is in the 5th house and Ketu is in the 11th house, with all the planets present in between them, then the yog formed is known as Padam Kaal Sarpa Dosh. Due to this dosh, a person faces many hardships in education and has problems in concentrating on a thing. The native’s mind is always distracted from studies and these results in wastage of finances and time both.

  • Mahapadma Kaal Sarpa Dosh

When Rahu is placed in the 6th house and Ketu is placed in the 12th house and all other planets are present in between these two, the yog then formed is known as Mahapadma Kaal Sarpa Dosh. In this dosh, the native wins over all his enemies with great ease. The native uses his wisdom and outplays their enemies. But the problem with this Dosh is that the house peace of the native vanishes.

  • Takshak Kaal Sarpa Dosh

When the Rahu is placed in the 7th house and Ketu is in Lagna, then the yog formed is known as Takshak Kaal Sarpa Dosh. The people suffering from this dosh usually face the problem of delay in marriage. Even after the marriage, they have to witness the suffering of the family because of the in-laws and the spouse. Sometimes, because of such situation separations also happen.

  • Karkotak Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

If Ketu is placed in the 2nd house and Rahu is placed in the eighth house in the horoscope of a person, then the yog formed is known as Karkotak Kaal Sarpa  dosh. In this dosh, a person has a problem of bad luck and he/she doesn’t get a fortune to help him/her. The professional life faces a lot of problems because of this dosh and the person might not get a promotion in his/her job.

  • Shankhachur Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

When the Ketu is placed in the 6th house and Rahu is in 12th house, with all the planets between them, then the yog is known as Shankhachur Kaal Sarpa Dosh. There is always a delay in fulfilling of wishes and desires of the people born in this yog. People suffer a lot of pain and suffering because of this dosh.

  • Ghatak Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

If Ketu is placed in the 4th house and Rahu is placed in the tenth house in the horoscope of a person, then the yog formed is known as Ghatak Kaal Sarpa Dosh. The person born under this yog must serve his mother earnestly. If a person does so, he will get the best condition at home and happiness prevails in their house at all times. The person born under this yog  becomes arrogant.

  • Vishdhar Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

If in any horoscope, Ketu is present in the 5th house and Rahu is present in the 11th house, with all the other houses in between them, then the Kaalsarpa Yog is called Vishdhar Kaalsarpa  Dosh. A person born under this yog faces a lot of problems in getting higher education. The natives suffer a lot of loss even after getting benefits from the ancestral property.

  • Sheshnaag Kaal Sarpa  Dosh

When the Ketu is in the 6th house and Rahu is in the 12th house, with all the planets present in between them, then the yog formed is known as Sheshnaag Kaal Sarpa  Dosh. The person born under this yog can have a lot of hindrances in their professions. The native might be jobless for a long period of time because of this Dosh.

It affects each and every aspect of the life of a person. Even with the correct position of the planets, it makes the person unfortunate and creates problems along the way. It can cause obstruction in higher education and result, create problems and barriers in important and auspicious work, low mental peace, low self-confidence, deterioration of health and reduces longevity, poverty and destruction of wealth, destruction of business and loss of job, anxiety and unnecessary tensions, bad relations with family members and friends, treachery from friends and colleagues, very less help from relatives and friends.

But, if the native has 3-4 own signed or exalted planets in his chart or the lagna is in exaltation state or there are 2-3 Rajyog in native’s chart or Rahu & Ketu is in aspect of benefic planet or Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are well placed; then the ill-effect of Kaal Sarpa  Dosh might reduce. Though it need to be treated in time.