Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has officially opened the National Dolphin Research Centre (NDRC) in Patna, marking a significant milestone as the first of its kind in Asia. The centre, inaugurated on Monday, is set to bring together scientists and researchers dedicated to the study of Gangetic Dolphins," stated Prem Kumar, state minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (DEFCC).
Describing the center as a crucial platform for understanding dolphin behavior and conducting research, Kumar highlighted its potential to make significant contributions to the conservation of Gangetic Dolphins. Bandana Preyashi, Secretary-DEFCC, emphasized that the NDRC is not only the first of its kind in India but also across Asia.
Researchers at the centre will focus on various aspects of dolphin behavior in their natural habitat, including studying food habits and adaptation to changing environments, Preyashi explained. Additionally, the centre will play a vital role in training fishermen to avoid inadvertently harming dolphins during fishing activities.
With the inauguration of the NDRC, Bihar is set to become a leading hub for research on Gangetic Dolphins, India's national aquatic animal, Preyashi concluded.