The Week

Unraveling the mystery of Earth's backward-spinning polar vortex

Weather's reaction: Exploring the effects of the polar vortex reversal


In a startling turn of events, the Arctic's polar vortex, a colossal ring of frigid air that encircles the North Pole, recently veered off its usual course, spinning in the opposite direction. This extraordinary occurrence, which transpired around March 4, stands as one of the six most robust reversals witnessed since 1979. The sudden atmospheric warming event responsible for this unconventional shift has set off a remarkable "ozone spike" and has the potential to impact global weather patterns.

The polar vortex, a vast area of low pressure found in the polar regions, maintains a year-round presence, entrapping cold air within its counterclockwise flow. It is sustained by a powerful jet stream, working as a barrier between the frigid air near the poles and the warmer air in lower latitudes. The stratospheric polar vortex, characterized by its freezing cold air, forms high in the atmosphere near the North Pole, with winds reaching speeds of approximately 249.45 kilometer per hour – comparable to the minimum wind speed for a Category 5 hurricane.

The reversal of the polar vortex's course can be attributed to something known as "Sudden Stratospheric Warming events," which caused an influx of ozone from lower latitudes around the Arctic, leading to the unexpected change in direction. Atmospheric planetary waves breaking in the polar stratosphere increased its temperature, resulting in the reported "ozone spike" – the largest observed in March since 1979.

Impact on people and weather

The recent reversal of the Earth's polar vortex, a rare and perplexing phenomenon, has raised questions about its potential impact on global weather patterns.

When the polar vortex weakens or experiences disruption, the cold air it contains can seep into lower latitudes, leading to significant weather events. While the primary danger to humans lies in the severity of plummeting temperatures when the polar vortex expands, sending Arctic air southward into regions unaccustomed to such extreme cold, its effects are felt far beyond the polar regions. Portions of Europe and Asia have also experienced cold surges linked to the polar vortex, and disruptions to its usual behavior can trigger extremely cold weather and storms across large areas.

Despite the polar vortex's reputation for inducing extreme cold and storms, this particular reversal has not led to any such severe weather events, according to NOAA's climate scientist Amy Butler. However, the implications of this unprecedented shift in the polar vortex's behavior remain to be fully understood, as it has the potential to impact global weather patterns in unique and unforeseen ways.