What are 2024 QA and 2024 JV33? NASA warns of two gigantic asteroids racing towards Earth

NASA has issue a warning about two asteroids -- Asteroid 2024 QA and Asteroid 2024

Asteroid Representational image | Shutterstock

NASA has issue a warning about two asteroids -- Asteroid 2024 QA and Asteroid 2024 JV33 -- moving really fast towards towards our planet, according to a report.

What is Asteroid 2024 QA?

Asteroid 2024 QA is an aircraft-sized rock with a length of 23.5 metre and a diameter of 41.3 metre. The gigantic rock belonging to Apollo asteroid group is expected to come as close as 7,06,502 km from the Earth. 

It is travelling at a speed of 21.66 km per second. However, we need not worry as the asteroid will not change its path, all thanks to Earth's gravitational force, reports News9Live. It has been classified as a Near-Earth Object.

What is Asteroid 2024 JV33?

Asteroid 2024 JV33 is a building-sized rock which has a length of 207 metre and a diameter of 335 metre. The closest the asteroid will come near Earth is 4,58,663 km and it's expected to happen on August 19. 

This has prompted NASA to categorise the Apollo group asteroid as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid. It's speed is 11.08 km per second.

Though it is extemely close, it is expected not to deviate from its path, according to News9Live.


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