The Delhi High Court has issued a summons against artificial intelligence firm OpenAI over alleged misuse of news agency ANI’s content to train its AI chatbot ChatGPT. The Court has also decided to appoint an amicus curiae for its assistance in the case.
Hearing a plea by news agency Asian News International, the Delhi High Court issued the summons against the American AI company over alleged misuse of copyrighted content of the publisher. ANI has also sought interim directions against OpenAI regarding using its content.
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The news agency informed the Court that ANI’s content is being used by OpenAI to train its chatbot ChatGPT. The agency also charged the AI chatbot was attributing false information to it. "It says Rahul Gandhi, Leader of Opposition, gave an interview to ANI when no interview was given. That is the propensity to not just hurt my private rights but also spread fake news," Bar and Bench reported quoting ANI’s arguments.
However, OpenAI informed the Court it has not committed any copyright violation and blocked ChatGPT from using ANI’s content for its training. OpenAI informed the Court that ANI's official website has been already been blocked by it to ensure that its content - as available on the portal - is not used by ChatGPT, the publication reported.