Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma and wife Ritika Sajdeh have become proud parents of a baby girl. The news was confirmed after Sajdeh's cousin Seema Khan shared a picture with the caption "Baby girl, masi's again," on her Instagram account. Khan also tagged Sajdeh in the story.
Sajdeh gave birth to a baby girl soon after India won the third Test match against Australia in Melboure on Sunday. According to reports, Sharma was already on his way to Mumbai to welcome the new addition to his family.
However, the BCCI informed that there would not be any replacement for Sharma in the team. "Rohit Sharma left for Mumbai to attend to his wife who has delivered a baby girl. Rohit will miss the final Test. There will be no replacement player in the Test squad. He will join the ODI squad on the 8th of January 2019," BCCI informed.
The 31-year-old middle-order batsman will miss the final Test in Sydney beginning on Thursday as he has opted to be with his family following the birth of his daughter. Sharma had pitched in with his 63 (not out) in the first innings as India thrashed Australia by 137 runs to win the Boxing Day Test in Australia.