In a tragic incident, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old young badminton player from China passed away after suffering cardiac arrest during the match in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Monday.
The incident happened while Zhijie was competing against Japan's Kazuma Kawano in the Asia Junior Championships. Zhijie suddenly collapsed on the court during the first game of the match.
According to officials, medical teams treated Zhijie in court and immediately rushed to the nearby hospital. Later, he was transferred to Dr Sardjito General Hospital, a main government hospital in Yogyakarta.
The spokesperson of the Badminton Association of Indonesia, Broto Happy, said that the victim had passed away due to cardiac arrest. “The conclusion of the examination and treatment of the victim at both hospitals showed the same results, namely that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest,” he said.
Officials and badminton players paid tribute to Zhijie by holding a minute of silence on the court before the quarter-finals on Monday morning.
"The world of badminton has lost a talented player," Badminton Asia and the PBSI said in a statement.
The Chinese Badminton Association also offered its condolences and support to Zhijie’s family and described him as a player who “loved badminton and was an outstanding athlete of the national youth badminton team."
“We feel deeply distressed over the unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie from a sudden illness while competing in an international competition," the statement said. “We express our sincere gratitude to all sectors of the society for the concern and help given to Zhang Zhijie. We will do our best to provide help to Zhang Zhijie’s family,” it added.