Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Tuesday felicitated world chess champion Gukesh Dommaraju at a ceremony organised by the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) in Chennai, by handing over a cheque for Rs 5 crore. The CM announced that the SDAT will launch a special academy for chess called the ‘Home of Chess’ to identify and groom chess talents in Tamil Nadu.
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Categorised as an elite sportsperson by the SDAT, Gukesh is one of the best talents receiving support from the state government. In 2023, the state government organised the Chennai Grand Masters event to help Gukesh gain FIDE circuit points.
Recalling the support from the government and the SDAT, Gukesh expressed his gratitude. Describing Chennai as India’s chess capital, he said the support for his journey to victory came from the vibrant chess community in the state. Acknowledging the support, he said, “this couldn't have been possible without the support of the Tamil Nadu government.”
Speaking during the event, Stalin congratulated Gukesh for the victory and said that the government’s idea to set up the special academy, ‘Home of Chess’ will help increase the number of chess grandmasters from Chennai.
Gukesh received a grand welcome at Chennai airport on his return after winning the world championship on Monday. On Tuesday, he held a celebratory roadshow in Chennai before reaching the venue to take part in the government’s felicitation event.