Al Qaeda has been dismantled, claims Pakistan's ISPR

PAKISTAN-MILITANTS/ Pakistan military spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor

Pakistan's military has claimed that the Al Qaeda has been dismantled.

Addressing a press conference on Wednesday the Pakistan military spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor said, "If Pakistan had not dismantled Al Qaeda, this (terror) threat would have reached India".

Major general Ghafoor also mentioned about the border cooperation between India and Pakistan while saying "Pakistan-India border cooperation has improved ever since army chief's visit to Tehran".

He expressed pride over the nation's intelligence agencies' help in busting seven major terror networks.

"Intelligence agencies in Pakistan are first in a line of defence. They have identified the threats. Seven major terror networks have been busted," Major General Ghafoor said.

He mentioned the names of the terror groups including TTS Lahore, TTP Swabi chapter, TTS Dir Chapter, Ansur Ur Sharia Karachi, JuA Kurram Chapter and Inteqam E while saying that he would interact to the members of these groups post their detention.

He mentioned Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition ( IMCTC), of which Pakistan is a part, assuring that the country will not be part of any terror activity.