Indonesia's Mount Soputan erupts on tsunami-hit island

indonesia_volcano A giant plume of volcanic ash rises from Mount Soputan | AP

Indonesia's Mount Soputan volcano on the quake-and tsunami-hit island of Sulawesi erupted on October 3, spewing volcanic ash 4,000 metres into the air.

The state disaster agency warned people to stay at least four kilometres (two and a half miles) away but said there was no need to evacuate for the time being.

Images of the eruption showed a cloud of ash climbing in a large vertical column with a mushroom-shaped top. The Multiplatform Application for Geohazard Mitigation and Assessment (MAGMA) program, part of the PVMBG, initially tweeted about the eruption.

Soputan is around 1,000 kilometres from the town of Palu where a 7.5 magnitude earthquake triggered a tsunami that lashed the coastline killing almost 1,400 people.

Indonesia is situated on the Pacific "Ring of Fire", a vast zone of geological instability where the collision of tectonic plates causes frequent quakes and major volcanic activity.

Volcanologists had been warning about the eruption just a few hours ago. But they aren't yet sure as to how this eruption will unfold— how long will it last or how dangerous it will be is not clear yet.

In June this year, several flights in Bali, Indonesia were grounded due to volcanic ash from Mount Agung.