Hong Kong: 2 protest leaders arrested, Chinese anti-riot drill in Shenzhen

Wong is secretary-general of Demosisto, while Chow is a leading member

Chow and Wong Hong Kong AP Agnes Chow (left) and Joshua Wong march to police headquarters in Hong Kong during a protest in June | AP

Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow, leading figures in the pro-democracy protests that have rocked Hong Kong since June, were arrested on Friday morning, their organisation claimed.

Wong is the secretary general of Demosisto, while Chow is a leading member of the group. Demosisto has played a key role in organising massive protests against a controversial extradition bill that allows for transfer of suspects in police cases from Hong Kong to China.

Groups like Demosisto allege the legislation would undermine the 'One Country, Two Systems' philosophy that has governed Hong Kong's ties to China. While the administration in Hong Kong had announced it wasn't pushing the extradition bill, the protests have continued, extending to demands for greater freedom.

Demosisto tweeted both Wong and Chow have been taken to the Wan Chai police headquarters. The duo were arrested a day before a new mass protest called by pro-democracy groups. The mass protest planned for Saturday is timed to mark the fifth anniversary of China's rejection of a call for universal suffrage in Hong Kong. The Chinese action had sparked protests in 2014.

More than 850 people have been arrested since the pro-democracy protests began in June.

Paramilitary drill in Shenzhen

China's state-run Global Times reported that the country's People's Armed Police (PAP) staged a massive riot control drill in Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong, on Thursday.

The Global Times report referred to video footage of the PAP exercise in Shenzhen, which showed hundreds of armed personnel using batons, shields and water cannons to stop rioters. The drill also featured rioters using petrol bombs.

The Global Times report noted “the drill mirrors the months-long ongoing protests in Hong Kong, as protesters throw petrol bombs and attack the Hong Kong police with offensive weapons.”

The Global Times had reported earlier this month the PAP had assembled in Shenzhen to stage massive exercises involving the use of armoured personnel carriers.

Army 'warning'

China's People's Liberation Army on Thursday declared that its garrison in Hong Kong is “determined, confident and capable” of performing duties to safeguard the region's “prosperity and stability”.

China's official Xinhua news agency quoted Ren Guoqiang, the spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense. Guoqiang stated that the PLA had rotated its forces in Hong Kong.

The PLA has maintained a garrison in Hong Kong since the former British colony reverted to Chinese rule two decades ago.