What you didn't know about 10 Downing street and its new occupant

Interesting facts you did not know about Boris Johnson

BRITAIN-VOTE-BREXIT Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivers a speech outside 10 Downing Street in central London | AFP

The votes are in and the people are decided that Boris Johnson is to be the new...well, to continue as the tenant of Number 10 Downing Street, one of the world's most powerful addresses.

Johnson rode to power on the promise that he will get Brexit done— no ifs or buts. And right after winning, he reiterated the same and said that Britain will no longer be part of the Europe Union as on January 31. He, however, might face the challenge of taking the country through stages post-Brexit. But in the meantime, here are some interesting facts about the famed address and its current occupant.

A former boss said he is unfit for national office: Sir Max Hastings, Johnson's editor when he was the Brussels correspondent for the Daily Telegraph has written, “While he is a brilliant entertainer… he is unfit for national office because it seems he cares for no interest save his own fame and gratification… He supposes himself to be Winston Churchill, while in reality being closer to Alan Partridge.”

Johnson was fired as a journalist: When Johnson was working as a cadet reporter with the Times, he got fired for making up a quote.

He held dual citizenship of UK and US: Born in New York City, US, Johnson was a naturalised American. He moved to the US permanently at the age of 5. He gave up his American citizenship only in 2017.

Johnson isn't a true conservative: Johnson though the head of the Conservative party views himself as social-liberal. Johnson has been a longtime supporter and advocate of LGBT issues. In 2012 he wrote about same-sex marriages, “I can’t see what the fuss is about.”

Johnson was sacked as an MP: The Conservative party sacked him from the front bench of Westminster in 2004 over an extramarital affair. Johnson at the time was married with four children. He had assured a fellow party member that allegations of an affair were untrue. But his fate was sealed by the mother of his girlfriend who said that her daughter had become pregnant by Johnson and underwent an abortion.

He is quite the linguist: Johnson who was educated at the prestigious Eton College— the same as Princes Harry William and former PM David Cameron— is can speak French and Italian easily and has a good grasp of German, Spanish and Latin

And now, on to some interesting fact about one of the most famous doors in the world, Number 10, Downing Street. 

1. The door's colour wasn't always black. In 1908, when London became the host city of the fifth modern Olympic Games, the door was painted green on the instruction of the Liberal PM Herbert Henry Asquith. It was painted black after Asquith's regime collapsed.

2. Every PM since 1997 has lived in Number 11. The trend was started by Tony Blair who chose to live in Number 11 Downing Street as it provided more space for his family of six. Former PM Theresa May and current PM Boris Johnson too, reside at Number 11.

3. Name of the address comes from Sir George Downing a diplomat who used to spy on his friends. He had built 15-20 terraced houses on the street and it now bears his name.

4. The residence has an official cat with the title Chief Mouser and was brought in due to the building's mouse problem. His actual name is Larry.

5. Number 10, naturally is home to numerous priceless antiques, art and memorabilia. Winston Churchill, during his regime, had a problem with a grandfather clock in the entryway and had it silenced during his stay there.