The Week

How Nithyananda's 'KAILASA' duped 30 US cities with 'Sister City' scam

City of Newark rescinded the agreement after finding about the nation

nithyananda Swami Nithyananda | Official Facebook account

Controversial godman Swami Nithyananda's nation 'United States of KAILASA' has once again gained attention for duping the city of Newark in New Jersey, United States with 'Sister City' scam. The nation reportedly signed a 'cultural partnership' with over 30 American cities.

Apparently the city of Newark in the US state of New Jersey came out in the open and said that it had canceled the 'Sister City' agreement with the fictional city.

The incident occurred when Mayor Ras Baraka invited representatives of KAILASA to Newark for 'cultural partnership' when it was discovered that it was not a real nation.

Until the official ceremony the officials of Newark was unaware that KAILASA was not a real country.

They had signed the documents during the ceremony to become a 'Sister City' with KAILASA on January 12.

According to the nation's website, over 30 American cities including Richmond, Virginia, Ohio to Buena Park, Florida have signed a cultural partnership with KAILASA, reported Fox News.

The report said that "we are finding out the supreme fake pontiff" has a "long list of cities he has duped".

Not just the mayors, city councils, even people running for federal government are falling for the fake nation, it reported.

Press Secretary in the Department of Communications, City of Newark, Susan Garofalo told PTI that "we have learned about the circumstances surrounding Kailasa, the City of Newark immediately took action and rescinded the sister city agreement."

"Based on deception, the ceremony was groundless and void...Although this was a regrettable incident, the City of Newark remains committed to partnering with people from diverse cultures in order to enrich each other with connectivity, support and mutual respect," said Garofalo.

According to Fox News, the cities claimed that the 'proclamation is not an endorsement but a response to a request'. Simply by requesting them to sign the deal the nation got them to sign.

"I think that's embarrassing that he didn't do his background research before entertaining them," a Newark resident was quoted by Fox News.

Last month, 'United States of KAILASA' attended the recent United Nations meeting where its representative demanded protection for the 'Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism'

Ma Vijayapriya Nithyananda representing 'United States of KAILASA' at the 19th United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESR) meeting sought UN's involvement in stopping the persecution of Nithyananda.

She also claimed that her nation has established embassies and NGOs in 150 countries.

Karnataka sessions court in 2010 had issued a non-bailable warrant against the controversial godman, accused of rape and child abuse.

According to the official website of KAILASA, it is a "nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries."