
What to expect from COP-28, to be held from November 30 to December 12

Focus will be on fast-tracking energy transition, fixing climate finance

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference will focus on fast-tracking energy transition, fixing climate finance, focusing on adaptation to protect lives and livelihoods, and underpinning everything with full inclusivity.

More popularly known as COP (Conference of Parties), it is to be held at the Expo City in Dubai from November 30 until December 12, 2023.

The president of COP-28 is Sultan Al Jaber, also the chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc). This is ironic as the world over, the ‘Just Stop Oil’ campaign is gaining momentum.

It was recently revealed by a British newspaper that Adnoc was able to read the emails being sent out for COP-28.

Jaber, however, issued an impassioned statement which read, “This plan is guided by a single north star. And that is keeping 1.5 within reach.”

He further said, “I challenge you to act in solidarity, put differences aside and put the interest of humanity first. That is the only way we can make transformational, practical progress that delivers for the climate, for our economies and for our people”.

The 1.5 target refers to the goal adopted in the Paris Agreement (a legally binding international treaty on climate change) to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature rise that the world saw in the pre-industrial era.

Experts now believe that the goal is no longer achievable. Just a week ago, the world broke average temperature records three times in a row.

COP28 has a call to ‘disrupt business as usual’ to achieve desirable game-changing results.

“We need to break down silos that are slowing progress. And we need to bridge divides that are blocking critical breakthroughs. We need to include everyone committed to solving the problem because everyone is affected by the problem. We must have an honest conversation about what …empowers climate-positive development everywhere, in particular across the Global South. We must ensure energy access, security, and sustainability while creating jobs and prosperity. In short, we need to make climate and economic progress at the same time. It is not one or the other”, said Jaber in an address.